Wednesday 15 July 2015


A thing called card has been always an important document in our life. Now even more, Gas Card adds to the list of cards you hold. Trade Department has made mandatory for every consumer to produce consumer card while refilling the cylinder. It started in Thimphu and Phuntsholing and now it is spread to Bajo town too and its said whole across the country should comply the system. Although i lack clear knowledge why our government introduce such card system, i doubt some illegal transactions going across the borders that lead to such resource consuming idea. The Gas trade has been a fraud within the dealing company according to media papers. The expiry date of the cylinder have already been an issue and the card has tortured the consumers even more severely. Many of the residents are not with the card while the kitchen is already with empty cylinders. I have put up my application through office and i am waiting for a card. But what shall I do until I get card. Bhutan still needs to develop in deliver of service. 

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