Monday 27 August 2018

Presidential Debate NA 2018

I even had to sacrifice the daily badminton schedule called upon by some of my baggy friends. They can't just wait to reduce their belly weights. So it was there at six past some minutes into the BBS broadcast from YDF Hall, Thimphu.

Yes, it was fantastic or at least funny how the program was designed. The program flow was briefed. There was five minutes each of introduction time for all the parties. Meanwhile the standing order was said to be through lucky dip and there was DPT, PDP, DNT and BKP. Introductory note was then being followed by question from three other parties of two minutes each. The standing president was given five minutes to answer all the three questions. Even the BBS anchor had authority of one question. He was the most luckiest guy. The answer time could be also used for other unanswered questions. 

Then came the moral based questions and this was where the fun touched the climax where Dasho Neten even resisted to stand-up again. Yes, there was two minutes answer and even a minute back to express if the answer seeker is satisfied. The concluding remarks were not much of an issue. 

So in the program, it mostly seemed that it is how one conquers the architect of the program. Some presidents used the answer time to hit other parties so much so with some eloquent and powerful words. BKP emphasized in redefining the political colour of our nation. Though with little difficulty in expression, BKP president put it up a huge point to be noted through App Nimshong. Dasho even urged the presidents to declare about incorruptibility in election as well as the governance. All other  president actually denied in their slippery words making it a diluted talk. 

Most in all, it was about electing the best government not about voting out the incumbent government. PDP president Dasho Tshering Tobgay emboldened it with his capturing oratory skills. The president repeatedly testified that if people feel that the party has served our kings well enough, then we must vote in PDP again. DNT president questioned that the parties may take roots and never shall future parties get a chance to rule. Dr Lotay stated that examples are available in our neighboring states. Dr Lotay featuring his medical background promised to make health service the key to bridge its ideology of the gap. 

Key highlights of the debate mostly encircled through the Equity & justice theory, Power Decentralization, Filling the Gap and Redefining Politics. DNTs vision of 2045 to secure the future and handover to future generation was the footnote. Nangi Aum was all there to make the family ease the task and have a bright smile. 

It was the wonderful presidential debate. All presidents in my opinion are capable enough in their own ways and characters. I give them all Ten on Ten!

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