Monday 8 October 2018

What is the SYMBOL of Parties?

One night when I couldnot sleep, I was just pondering upon our political parties and accidentally thought about why they have chosen a Party Symbol of Bird, Flower or Jewel or Horse. 

Going through it certainly gives us many details of branches and twigs. But I opted to think it in different and silly ways. Because party symbol could have been anything from stone to elephants. So, why they chose to be horse or cranes or peach flower or jewel? A rejected party DGT had at-least, a courtesy to throw it in a public forum to recommend them about their party symbol which other parties did not even attempt to it. 

Going by the History of the unification of the Nation known as Drukyul, Zhabdrung was the seed to the emergence of our nation followed by the Wangchuck Dynasty as it's Backbone. Our national identities are vested in national symbols like national emblem, national dress, national tree, national bird, national game, national anthem, national flower, national song, national language, national animal, national flag and also national butterfly. 

But why all those party symbols do not mean anything about our national symbols? I don't know if it is unlawful to relate to the national symbols. But if it is not against the law or Interest of the State, It would have been more beautiful and strong to have a Party Symbol which would depict the Unity, Stability and Sovereignty of our nation state. In any sense the present symbols fails to convince me any indication of our sovereignty and nationhood. 

The Crane may slightly mean a Raven, or Peach flower is as like as Blue Poppy, I am unsure if we can compare Horse and a Takin. Or does it mean sometimes down the history, our national bird will be Crane or Swan and flower shall be Peach Flower or national Animal, a Horse. Ofourse Dragon is not a question of confusion to any length of future. It is indeed a Shambhala's Creature. But those Jewels are meant to fall in the hand of Political Leaders?  

Its a silly thought. Never to be taken into seriousness. I am sure there are lot of greater meanings in it which is with the love for our country and with the mission to better forward in the future. 

If  I form a Party, our party would have a Yar Ngoi Daw on the Base strongly upholding the Raven Crown which would symbolise that even in the slightest strength shall light the citizens and held our Monarchs at all time above, to bless us at all times.

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