Thursday 2 July 2015

Kharongla-Kangpar Road.

Kharungla Kangpar feeder road is one kind of very good roads that the contractor's has built. It was built by Rigsar Construction. Anyhow the road suffers itself from so many shortfalls. This is a kharungla-kangpar feeder road. It is more dangerous than a Namling or Melong brak. The road in its own capacity is being fully used. It is on a stable cliff. But there is not any fencing while its too narrow for a truck. Big vehicles have to send out their wheels out in the cliff.  The road suffer landslides in many areas across the length. the road has some bridges which are unreliable in the monsoon. Across the length of the road, cliffs spreads almost every corners of the road.  The narrow passage or the short width of the road at the cliffs are very dangerous. We already have accidents of many drivers fallen off the cliff. We have MoWHS minister from our own constituency but no government officials had opened eyes to see this risky. Better safe than sorry.

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