Friday 14 August 2015

Sungkoe Drendhur Puzzle

Just few days ago i went into bar shop ordering for few chili chops. I found some people cheering with beer. While i heard someone among them telling 'sir ley jabchor zhush'. It was just a moment i enter the shop and i pretended i was damn serious for my chili chop and has no time for their calling me a sir. Just little later when the cash back of hundred ngultrum, after buying worth of twenty was on my hand, a lady approximately my mothers age came and asked, sir jabchor chi zhugay. I was silent for a while. I saw a five hundred nyultrum note at top and some other notes arranged at the bottom in her hand while she indicated for my support. For a second i thought support means a vote and vote means i have an authority to press from my mobile and most of all vote means secrecy. I don't know her and i don't know how she sing. But I could not tell a word, to my embarrassment i gave it away the eighty ngultrum. I don't know if she is even in the Drinchen Amai Sungkoe. She told she is Kencho Zam. Although the programs like this has appended to the strong health of our culture & tradition, it is equally important to check the effects it causes elsewhere.

P.S i was not worth a sir. They lured me. lol

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