Friday 27 January 2017

What Does Buddhism Means to YOU?

I saw this question in facebook and it pricked me so sharp.

Let’s not think too deep. Is there even a way to think too much or not? What is with thinking and what is not in thinking? And what is called feeling? And what is called experiencing or enduring?
Well, I am prompted to write and not just write but express what my cells really think about. Or should I say feel about or experiencing about. There is so much confusion and certainly some are to be termed as illusion. And the world and universe is infinite with respect to me and my cells. I am scared to say me or mine. Because there is the truth my cells know or it pretends to know or the truth pretends to be true, as everything in this infinite universe is impermanent. I am fooled or hypnotized or I don’t know what to call, my eyes, my nose, my skin, my brain and every cells tries their own senses. What to trust, where to trust, which to trust and why to trust? I can’t believe or I believe, I don’t really have a conclusion. Now, some one impermanent, indefinite and inconclusive like me here is going to tell you something about impermanence & relativity and only you should know what I meant.
Where I came from? Mother gave birth to me. I think this has to be sure. We are not really sure, if fathers really play a role in our birth. Why should we trust science of sperm, ovum and fertilization etc.? Then where we originated from? From cells or electrons, the question of creation arises. I mean, there is time in which there is solution of any creation in this infinite universe. My cell is trying to know about me and its birth place. The tragedy is my cell has lost its mother in the space which is infinite.
Here it is about, Buddhism.
Literary going, Buddhism as I understand is a sect of religion or principles of life influenced by some one called Buddha. Now, these doctrines and his principles are on books and I am one such animal, whose ears just happened to hear right from the moment when landed on earth. It is exactly like a chick hatched from an egg on the nest hung up high on the tall trees never with the knowledge that if it rolls across the nest, it’s life would come to an end. The time comes, where by then they have wings and feathers to fly away and escaping the very tall fall. The creation is an innocent, magic and miracle. It is a nature. Nature is governed by the law, the law of universe. The law is ‘’That Law, no one is capable of defining and knowing it.’’
Ultimately however hard, best, strong or anything one be, the time shall come to surrender your part to the universe. So do we really trust or believe that we shall die? If we die, what in us will die? Is there any end to life? Do you think, life has ended the moment you stop breathing? No, you won’t die. Believe me, you won’t. Just because you saw some one dead people does not mean you will die. Please think once more. Do you really feel that you will die? Why? Why? Why do you trust or believe that you will die one day?
Okay, we all shall die because our body is not stone or metal. We are highly dependent on biological organs to live and survive. What in us is dying? All our brains, eyes, nose, legs and every body parts die one day. So when we are dead we are burnt or chopped off or buried. This is according to as our eyes sees today. So everything our cells believe or not, relate to some kind of experience our organs have felt. It is impermanent stuff.
Buddhism to me is in two categories. 1) Upper Half is dealing with those impermanent stuffs. Trying to know what really is the truth, truth of creation and existence. Why are we an animal and not plant?  It is walking the endeavor of finding the truth and its infinite means and paths towards the destiny or end. 2) Lower Half is remaining as a creation and respecting creation. It is of understanding some fundamental laws of existence in the current time, space and era. It is the practice of the principles of love and compassion. It is of living and dying. It is for now and never of the future.

It is not the end. It is trying to find out an end to the very infinite and indefinite end of everything in this universe.  Do we know the truth? Will we really know the truth? There is this simple and complex occurrence in our life. We are all subjected to change and we don’t have control over anything, not even our sneeze. Yet, people studies, trains and orients to a brighter and better path. When shall we learn to control everything? Is it when we can fully control over our mind? Can one really control ones mind and do some big stuffs like oppose a creation? Then what is all of study of religion and being religious mean? Why Christianity, Hindu and Muslim are not being Buddhism? It goes about thinking, imagining or experiencing and believing. Why should I believe that an egg would break when it falls on bricks? Why should I believe my soul would roam the samsara when I am dead? Creation is as you like, as well you are restrained with the factors of creation.
The time would go and universe would flow or collapse. It is with the Law of Karma, the nature. It has its cause and effect. No cell or substance shall be created to destroy the Law. No creature shall exist to disobey the law. This is my Buddhism. We are nothing in this universe of infinity. No one of us is.  We are not even droplet of water in the ocean. What ever we do is accordance to the law of Karma. Even if you think and do, not in accordance to Karma, that is a Karma. We have no escape. We play our role and exit the stage. The truth shall prevail and you will never exist in the history of mankind. You and I never really exist in this universe. We are same as the pebble in the river bed. The only right and ways we have is to respect the creation and exit the universe. Respect the dogs and cats. Be compassionate and loving because this is the only good way to clear the fuss out in a mess.
I am scared being getting to be me, to express this writings. Let’s not think too deep. Is there even a way to think too much or not? What is with thinking and what is not in thinking? And what is called feeling? And what is called experiencing or enduring?
We are in a dream! There is nothing in the world when we wakeup. We are under the law of creation and the truth is we shall never escape.

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