Thursday 30 June 2016

The Quality Food

The NA had been discussing this issue of the quality food in boarding schools and patients in hospitals along with the logic of Central schools.

While i would like to believe and trust our MPs that they are talking with the clear lessons and memories from their boarding life, i also partially feel that some MPs may have not been in boarding or been ward patient in their life.  I would certainly not believe their convictional vote for the bill. So i would like to therefore share with you some of my personal views regarding quality education or food.

The mission of central schools as projected and we are made to know, is to supply quality education to our children. The means through which the quality education is to be achieved remains a debate. However i think everyone of us need to understand vividly what kind of education can be so called quality education.
1) Is it that children get so much of literacy that they can score 100 in subjects, speak like americans, perfectly exposed to GK and IQ level is 10.
2) Is it that children are perfectly mannered with Driglam Choesum, Za Cha Dro sum and alligned to the principles of Gyelyong Gakyi Pelzom.
3) Is it 50-50 of 1 and 2 or everything of it or mixed of it or nothing of it.

I truly understand the definition of quality education will go beyond the above quotes. Anyhow it also revolves around those words to simply think about. Whatsoever, to achieve anything we need energy, meaning a good food. Good food simply means a quality plus quantity satisfying meal.  I would not prefer to argue if good meal will ensure a quality education because good meal may ensure good health but not necessarily quality education. I would simply agree there are numerous factors for achieving quality education. As of now i keep here not wondering for quality education but the basic needs to live i.e. to get a quality meal being student or patient and the right of every citizen or human for healthy life.

First of all the governments five KM radius rule has totally suppressed the rights of its children for their goverment's resources. Every children should have right for the healthy food. I confess i have no knowledge if central school's meal menu is difderent than other boarding school's menu.  Howsover i am convinced that our school kids are paid Nu.1000  a month which  is 33.33 a day or  11.11 per meal considering three meals a day. I wonder how this 11.11 would certainly ensure a quality food. Today one bottle of milk costs  Nu 60 and a bundle of sag cost Nu.30. Adequate financing would be one way of ensuring quality meal but also the management of it, is so significant for such a mass in boarding schools and hospitals.

Government has been trying their best to finance adequately but more than anything, through my experiences i also do feel that the management of mess, plays a crucial role in delivering quality plus quantity food. I emphasized quantity time and again because  it also does matter to a young stomach whose belly is so much spacious for any food. Sharing you some of my experiences as a boarding student, we were meant to get one mackeral fish individually but sadly our teachers would take our share and we have to share one canned fish among four of us. The Japanese Rice they said, which was very tasty, served as breakfast was replaced with stoneful of FCB rice. We couldn't chew well and only half of the plate would swallow down. The cooks would take all leftovers for giving it to pigs or cows or to make Ara  and some of us would really be only half filled.  There is this case, even mess captains would have its corruptional share. Some mess incharges don't issue exact prescribed quantity of rashions and vegetables for the meal. It might have collected to some huge tonnes at the end of the year.

Therefore through this experiences i strongly feel there needs to be inspection and auditing for all boarding schools. Meanwhile i have very little knowhow of hospital meals since i have never been a hospital staff or  ward patient but only had chance to taste the meal as an escort.
But i am suspicious hospitals mess management may be worse. 

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