Monday 29 May 2017


Women in the world in a major share has been discriminated in some ways. Depending upon the beliefs and culture, women suffers a lot of freedom restriction and limited rights. 

It has not been any different in our country. Only handful of women have come forward and has built a guts to raise above the society. I have heard many heart piercing stories of women who has been men's other half but to the dismay many of them face trauma of bullying and family torture. All marriages does not fall the tract of love and peace. Some are left out for divorce. 

Here it is about one of my sisters. She has been working in far flung villages of Samdrup Jongkhar and Merak as NFE instructor & Telecom Operator. These were the places which brought her un-fateful partner of her life. They raised two children, one daughter and a son. She had to resign from the job in order to bring up the kids. Eventually her destiny flew to the unfortunate western horizon to the capital city when her husband was transferred to Thimphu. Her life in Thimphu happened to be the nights of cry and tears. Her husband would come home drunk, thrash her for un-tasty meal or for little more excess salt in the curry. Finally over heavy endurance our family decided to offer them a divorce. We pained for the two kids but there were no better solution than to get divorce and live separately. 

Eventually they got separated but my sister with two kids and daughter in school could not move back to village. She lived almost all the empty houses of Thimphu city seeking for the cheaper rent. I came to her rescue to help her pay the rent. I understood we are not really in the place of people so called religious. Landlords would suck out the blood out of you to get their rent. They want to build another building and here some of us want to spend a night out of open sky.  She resisted all sorts of hardships being a single mother thrown out in the city, without a job and two kids on her lap. Even the minister would not come to your rescue but only the god shall. 

There is god on your foreheads. Fortunately the god granted her a wish, she got a job in RUB as the messenger in the office of the Vice Chancellor. Succeeding her hard work and ability she currently work as the PA to president of the new Gyelposhing College. 

I have learned a lot from her. She has been one strong lady i have ever known. She is not just my sister but also the women I would look upto. She currently raises her two kids all alone. To all the women facing social disharmony, my advise would be to, go follow the will of god, because we are all equal under this sun and moon.

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