Friday 16 June 2017

The Fake Truelku

I remember H.H Dzongsar Jamyang Khentse in one session responding to one of the questions from the audience regarding the Truelku. "The question was why truelkus need to undergo rigorous training and teachings after all it is said that they are the reincarnations of the great lamas of the past?"

His Holiness responded with humor that, if at all they under go rigorous training it is fine, but these days they even don't under go such training. Meanwhile His Holiness Rinpoche elaborated that Truelku -Truelpa means to show something like magic-so, H.H. said they are just show off.

Now coming to my version, as per my limited understanding we called a person Truelku who is believed to be the reincarnation of the great lamas of the past. Reincarnation of the past lamas who is being reborn are recognized by present Rinpoches & Lamas who are highly regarded and respected by the society. How recognition takes place is not a business of common people like me. The debate of re incarnation shall live on with the doctrine of Buddhism. Religion shall never die unless the human race extincts or else human should totally fail in communication and live like any other animals, just to moo,neigh, meow, or bark etc. 

I am writing this piece, because the recent social media outcry of one anonymous user posting some monk's photo to clarify whether the monk is Truelku or not because the author claims he is a fake Truelku. I am concerned that these kinds of issues are being brought to the social domain and left for the people to comment what not views. While some are being neutral or positive, some have been hugely negative and has caused exposure of too many defaming and tarnishing words. It would have been a nice step if the person has reported to concerned government authority to solve the issue. While i agree that so many fake Terdas, Paow, and Truelkus may be present in the society causing in harmony, i am also alarmed of the possibilities of breaching the fundamental rights of every individual-the privacy. 

Ultimately  it is in the hands of every individual what to believe and what not to believe. I believe we need to just clean one's own hair (the saying from sharchop). Leave other's with  their choice for now. 

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