Tuesday 13 June 2017

Why too many Political Parties?

I am little worried that too many political parties in a small nation like ours may not be that efficient and good. With the offing of two new political parties it comes to around seven political parties. So the list may goes as follows.
1) Druk Phuensum Tshogpa
2) Druk Mangtso Tshogpa
3) Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa
4) Druk Kuenyam Tshogpa
5) Druk Chirwang Tshogpa
6) Druk Gaki Tshogpa
7) Druk Kuenphen Tshogpa

Understanding the population base and voters pool, electoral quantum like our nation would critically face the challenge of partition and meeting the true willingness of the public. We have around 0.4 million voters out of 0.8 million population. We would have terribly low ratio of  Political parties to voters of about 1:50,000 which while represented by 329 MPs would mean an MP would represent the willingness of only around 150 people. 

India with 815 million voters has only around 6 national political parties which indicates that a party would represent staggering 135 million people's willingness. Ultimately more number of parties would offer wider choice to the people but it would also increase the chance of narrowing the people's willingness. 

Besides the curly choice to the public, more number of parties in a small economy nation like ours would mean a deep impact to our people and government due to huge expense in election. Seven parties with 47 candidates each would mean huge sum of Nu. 329,00,000. 

We really got to look into the optimization of democratic choices, economical advantages and performance of the political parties & MPs.


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