Tuesday 6 June 2017

Hema Hema Movie

I have recently watched the controversial movie Hema Hema directed by H.H. Dzongsar Khentse Rinpoche, in an online website. I don't know whether this is a full movie or it is just a clip out of the original movie or entirely different set of movie. It is about 96 minutes long movie uploaded in the website (the website name i forgot). 

Having watched this 96 minutes clip, I had to reverse my earlier stand. I presumed that the ban was completely based on the opinion that there is the misuse of holy masks. But as i have watched this clip, i came to the understanding that,  it is good enough for the BICMA to have banned the movie. The movie has several sets of erotic scenes which is still a debatable subject but at the current juncture, such scenes are still too much to consume and digest for the Bhutanese society like ours where entire population is just as brothers and sisters as in family. 

The movie at large, I feel has a deeper meaning to convey to the audience but more than anything it is also very important to consider the status of the audience. I am in the opinion now that Hema Hema should be a bedroom watch, at least for this time. 

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