Wednesday 26 July 2017

TERDAG-Treasure Caretaker

I think i have already written about this some one called a TerDag somewhere in facebook or wechat. Recently, the post regarding a man pretending to be TerDag posted in the Bhutanese Forum brought me back to write about this again. But sorry if you have already listened to this story.

We got to know and i believe that things are attacked specially when one is at the weakest. It happened like this to my brothers-half brothers or say my cousins. Their mother passed away because of some unknown facts without any kinds of diseases. She was not even able to reach hospital. It was told, she vomited blood out and died. They do not really doubted food poisoning or any scientific reasons that could have lead to her death. Less than a year after the demise of their mother, my cousins had to face the huge trauma and emotional stress when their father also passed away with same kinds of symptoms and indications. My brothers sought to approach some tantric people what we called TerDag. Fortunate or unfortunate, our uncle found one man residing at Olakha to be a very proficient TerDag. Every people talked about him getting the patients cured, even the last stage cancer patients. Upon approaching him, TerDag told that there are three TAHS. TAHs are believed to be some kinds of paper or things on which the names of people are written as a curse. Unless the hidden TAHs are dug out or discovered, it is believed people will die. 

My brothers faced financial crisis upon demise of both of their parents within a year. They could not do anything. They were forced to be complacent after being exhausted of so many rituals for the departed parents. A lightning struck came as a huge blow when the eldest brother fell sick becoming totally paralyzed. . There left no option than to believe the TerDag and request him to dig out the TAHs. TerDag consented to go all the way from Thimphu to our village to discover TAHs.

I accompanied my half brother. We woke up at 3.00 am and lifted TerDag and his ChoePeon from Olakha. TerDag owned a blue I10 car but denied to drive his car. We hired a car from our other half brother who worked at  Health Ministry. We started from Thimphu to Phuntsholing as early as 3.30am. My skepticism did not let me talk, i remained silent. My brother and TerDag talked like a servant and a king. I could hear, TerDag saying, he even discovered TAHs for Je Khenpo which if not could have led to demise of Chapje Rinpoche. I laughed inside and my hand still tight on steering. I put a music, blasted and i knew TerDag hated me. 

I tried so much to convince my brother, not to believe this kind of people. It was harder than pushing a sleeping elephant . My brother had also a big reason to believe. Ultimately there was not any option than to seek it and see once. The fear of loosing the elder brother haunted more than the demise of parents to them. The sacrifice had to come at the huge cost. Our brother who is Gelong warned us against any free time for TerDag. 

Almost night, we reached Wamrong. I pressurized my brother to ask TerDag if he was going to perform with wearing that Bengali trouser. He did not have any bag of cloths than a small shoe bag in which there was few daggers. I was really scared if this man could be a killer. So my brother upon tremendous pressure asked TerDag with a very polite tone if he would perform with just pant and shirts or need any brocades. TerDag was so easy, and he told why it won't be fine? He said, he just need torch. We reached at village at around 8.oopm and it was already dark.It was best time for him to trick us.

After a dinner, he left for toilet before starting with discovering TAHs. I could not help than to wait outside. I knew it he did some thing tricky inside. I just wished if there was a CCTV. He asked us to arrange a container (Khaw) of Maize grains. Then there goes, the discovery of TAHs. Never in my life time i have seen such incidents. He threw off the grains to suspected locations. I could not keep my eyes away. God blessed my honesty and zeal for truth. The TAH flew like a fly from the Khaw to the ground. My brother also saw it with his eyes. He shook his head in dismay and totally shrugged. I shook my head to tell him, see, this is the man. The EATER. 

We drove back to Thimphu. I told my brother if we can beat them up. My cool and compassionate brother told, lets forgive. Our brother gelong told us that the deed and merit of giving away the wealth will certainly come back to us. This merit will certainly cure the ill brother. TerDAg demanded Nu 60,000.00. Oh my god, he surely was like some goonda. He even demanded the TA/DA. I nearly chopped his head off. I saw his little daughter studying somewhere in schools of Thimphu, and wife in a rented house. He has to lead a family life. If not with this, how he would do? I was left shocked and thoughtless. I still don't know what this life is about. One thing I am sure is , there is nothing called TerDag or some one superior who can cure you. Lets clear this notion, and believe nature is above all laws. 

The eldest brother, after thorough medical care got back to his work. He is an excavator operator. It was not a TerDag who cured. It was a medical treatment and prayers from his beloved relatives and friends. 

TerDag will eat you and your money. Know where to invest your money. Know where to spend that less amount which you have. Say with me!!! I DON'T BELIEVE TERDAG. 

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