Sunday 13 August 2017

The DobJey Dzong

My grandfather who died at the age of 90 used to tell me about this Dzong. My leisure time would be to fall on his lap and listen his stories of Dzongs and his journey across the borders. 

The prisoners in early days was said to be kept inside this Dzong. He told me that, only a big criminals shall reach Dobjey Dzong and if taken there, the return was impossible. It was believed that the prisoners shall be put to death sentence by throwing away over the cliff down to the deep gorge. I would fear the penalty. He would warn not to commit any crime. He would explain how lenient the punishment is nowadays. He would laugh stating, in this era, government feeds prisoners like a pig. I imagined a Dzong like  on a dark snarling cliffs where there is a deep gorge with full of big black snakes which would chew you up when dump down on their plate. 

Today when I stand near this magnificent historical fortress,I feel like i am standing with my grand father who first made my ear hear the name of this Dzong.
As you can see it in the picture, the Dzong is surrounded by marvelous cliffs at three of its sides and the upper lane is the only access to the Dzong. I am sure the strategic location of this Dzong must have played a significant role in Wars. 

I visited this wonderful place to collect the holy water believed to be blessed by Jetsun Mila Repa. Did you know that, this holy water cures even a Cancer? Yes i heard it too. It is this very reason, I had a chance to visit this Dzong. The main relic of the Dzong is Lama Mila Repa. I am hopeful you all know his legendary stories. The Dzong is now kept empty. In earlier days, it was this Dzong which was home to many deadly criminals of our nation. Today the relic is found to be housed at small monastery near the Dzong.

Why the relic is so precious? Lama Ngawang Drubu of Tshamdruk Goenba used to travel along this route to Tibet. At one time, when he went to Boe Ralung for offering a Tea to the monastery, the people there as the symbol of gratifications offer the Statue of Jetsun Mila Repa as the gift to the Lama. On his return from Boe Ralung with Statue of Mila Repa, he halted a night at this spot where the Dzong stands today. The statue which was lifted by lone person, was said to be very heavy that even 20 men could not lift the statue, the next morning. The next day when lama woke up to continue his journey to Tshamdruk, it is believed that the statue denied to accompany him further, stating his destiny is here. Lama tried a lot to take the Statue with him but his effort was all in vain. It was after this the Dzong was built to house the Statue and therefore the name Dob Drey Dzong emerged. In dzongkha Dob Drey is to deny or to lean back.  It is Dob Drey Dzong.

As i stood to click a picture of this magnificent dzong i just prayed all the prisoners who ended their life here be blessed by this precious Mila Repa Statue. 

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