Sunday 13 August 2017

The Dra Karpo

In life, I don't think there will be a time, where we would say, I am enough with money. Money comes and goes. I had this dream of visiting this holy site long time ago. Every time I pass by this area while going to Paro, i would look up, and watch this fortress hanging in the sky. The gigantic cliff which houses the monastery at glance looks like a hey man, come and visit me. Even if I was tight with cash, I proceeded my will to visit this place. It was raining heavily but i denied to stay back. I persuaded my gang saying the merit would come on bunches only when things are pierced through obstacles. This is what our Lamas tell. The more obstacles you encounter it only symbolizes you are one step nearer to the enlightenment. 

So, we had this adhoc plan to visit this religious site. The road was too muddy, less of gravels and my car could not push itself forward. My energetic friends had to help  propel the wheels further and upward. 

So here it was, the amazing site of Guru Rinpoche. Many People come here to do 108 rounds. Unfortunately i could not do it more than once because carrying a kid on the  uphill is like  a truck of load on your back. Lama Namkhai Nyinpo's Meditation Cave is wonderful. You can find the Pema Tsekpai Duethro where you can pretend to be dead. "Pema Tsegpai Duethro Na, Shue Tshul Jeyna Sangay Thob", you will be enlightened. 

There are many other Neys around here, which i can't remember, and one interesting thing was you need to sing one song "Lugar Choeba". I did my part. I highly recommend you can visit this place and experience the soul cleansing activity.

Dra Karp is not the outer look of the cliff, we were told that, it is that hollow white cave inside that cliff where the Guru Statue seats, that the name Dra Karpo as known today.

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