Friday 29 September 2017

The Burning Alive

We would certainly think back to the stone age or medieval period for this horrendous act of burning alive. Unfortunately, it happens even today, in this modern world, where the society is so much called as the civilized one. Even more unfortunate is, when such unbearable act appears and happens in the Land of Happiness-our nation.

While this could be totally out of the personal attitude and apprehension, it is way out of the basic human behavior and such a culprit deserves a hardest of the penalty. It is exactly or more than of acid attack crime that frequently happens in our neighboring country or abroad. What brings this into birth? Is it the TV channels, the Internet? facebook or wechat? What builds our people that much courage to pour out a kerosene and burn alive? I can't Imagine.  Burning human alive is in no way a match to any other crime. 

Every human has the right to live a life and liberty. The law should punish this convict with the harshest and the hardest of the penalty. If not there shall never be a justice. 

I pray for the departed soul! May the justice prevail. 

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