Tuesday 31 October 2017

What is a Religion

I have always thought about it and I know I will never get an answer. Over nights when my head falls on the pillow, i roll my eyes, imagine the stars and space.I can think what is infinite in cosmos and literary the expansion of universe by the brightest scientist of the century, Hawking. And in the morning, i get back to my stuffs on earth. It really means that we are clinging on the Sa Chu Mee Lung or Sa Mey Chu Mey Mee Mey Lung Mey. At the end it burns down to self and enlightenment of self. If one builds up a Gewa, it ultimately is to liberate oneself. If a rich man donates his money to a poor one, the deed from that donation is expected to liberate the rich man either now or after death.
Actually It is all about self ( Very Very Indirectly)

This is in light with so many discussions going on in Social Media about Christianity. I am not Christian and I don't want to be one. I name myself as a Buddhist by birth because my principles of Buddhist is Selflessness. Now it is a modern era and to really understand people has become an issue of the generations. We live in the world where within hours we can tour the world and within a few meters away we can watch what happens several thousand kilometers away and more surprisingly within seconds we may leave forever from this earth. Human Beings are the most complicated animals on planet. Everyone fears death and some banks on this weakness to preach something call religion. If there was like living forever, no one would have come up with this thing called religion, how to die, where to go after death and so on. The truth of death is totally miss used in this world. Some people has ruled people with ideas of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and so on. They have indeed banked to do business on this opportunity. It has no greater sin than this, if at all there is a sin.

If ever there was heaven or anything, why the hell these Rinpoche's stay on this planet. I wish to tell them, go get your self a seat on heaven and don't influence other's life. Because at the ultimate end, it is no body, no one is above creation. We are like a sand particles with monsoon flood, it has no orientation. People will influence you to be that and this, it is you who owns the power of becoming anything. When you are weak and about to die, if a christian saves your life, there is no more valid reason than that to seek homage from a a Christian. But it does not mean you have to be in a Christianity because it was Christian Man who saved you and not Christianity. If a monkey saves your life and monkey is a god for you but it does not mean monkey shall be god for rest of us. This is indeed the fundamental principle, we are all different entity on earth. We are connected to one another totally because this is one universe of Infinite Space. The algorithm shall be too complex for any impermanent creature to comprehend.

If you are deeply spiritual that is good. I would totally stoop to anything even if it is a stone if it saves my life, let me live and guard me forever. It is a spirituality that binds the path. what ever it is at the end, everyone of us shall die and but before we die, we have to play our part, live life and it is when we live life we have to be with everyone. It is mess, everyone us have to handle it.

But deep inside, believe it or not, i told it is your right. There is nothing after death.Because we live and share resources and we are not independent, we ought to abide by natural laws. Help Others, if others are well you will be well. Because I have met wonderful Christians with a golden heart and Nice Islamist. Because I am of the view that not all Buddhist are Compassionate. It is not religion that describes you, it is one's action whats describes your religion.

I am no body, I believe coexistence and I am a weak creature.  Don't kill me before I die.

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