Monday 6 November 2017

A Young Politician

I will warn you first. Please, do not politicize this topic. I am totally apolitical in views and this is fundamentally a personal view and nothing related to political issues.

Of Late, i have come across many young people who are tremendously enthusiastic to join politics. Many of them shared the likes and dislikes that our society offers to a young politician. One of my mate at village recommended minimum age of 40 years to be a politician. He did not have any rational reason behind it but he just believed our popular niche 'the experience comes with age'. Yes Of-course the wisdom comes with experience. But it is not always the true case-because sometimes it is exceptional. We need not have to go anywhere to see an example, watch in our own land, Mewang Drukgyal Zhipa led our nation at the age of 17. There are many successful youths across the globe, you just need to google it and see yourself. It ranges from entrepreneurs to that of politicians.

So, as one of my friends, a very young energetic one embarked on his political journey, i raised my head, cleared my throat, told him that i really appreciate his  willingness and interest. In this period where people are boiled in the thick soup of political ambiguity, no one would certainly take the risk sacrificing all the opportunities. Those almost superannuated oldies are well settled gigs of Thimphu, who owns lands and buildings. It may sense it that, they would all the way help you make better roads, better home, better vegetables or many more back in villages but what were they doing all those few decades back? Seriously, a well settled guy from Thimphu won't significantly develop the mule tracks of Sakteng. Because he would have never experienced the thorn punched inside the bare foot while walking those paths.

My friend said that, many are discouraging to take part in politics specially in younger ages. Is it because young ones are empty handed, because they are poor? Is it because young politicians will not have anything to give to the voters? It drives in that way. Young politicians if not all are not much wealthy because they have just started to sprung up. Many young politicians would not have any thing to bribe voters. What makes people think Young Politicians won't do much? Contradicting to many who may have thought that way, i firmly believe young minds could do beyond anyone could do. I don't mean that our fore fathers have failed. They have done a great deal of their performances but their era and our era is two complete different phase of the universe. We have thousands of extra neuron cells, science tells that. Why a young politician would do much better as politician than ever before?

Because many young adults who have just entered their apex of energy are the breed of the past century with well integrated ingredients of the present and future. They have the best spirit of the past and strongest dreams of the future. They are honest, transparent and undisturbed. I strongly believe that the young politicians under the guidance of our old parents at home shall take our country to the far horizon of the future. Get back to our village and see. The brother has taken up all the roles of the father. Our dads are seeking homage resting out in his late life because the sons and daughters have taken up the family chores. Now the sons are taking up the Manthans and Woolas or any rural taxes. Then why can't we have young Prime Minister, perhaps the youngest PM in the world.

If you feel that some one at the age of 60 is at the climax of his career or life, we need to study the plasmic energy. Why not a guy of 20s and 30s? All the cells of the body at this time has the maximum energy. They can do whatever comes their way. It is said, the mid 20-30s guys can kill a demon. Have you ever heard of it? Yes, the young politicians can kill all the corrupt demons of our nation. Only these guys can do it.

I really don't believe an oldies shall perform the best because i have come across many aged adults who are not so efficient. Only the ones who are performing are performers and it implies to younger lots same. There shall also exist a young politicians who shall perform better than some oldies.

I can't argue more, if it is all about money and bribing. But if we are really looking for transparent election and true governing, younger lot shall perform, if not best, it would perform better. I want to console my friend who is just of my age and who is sailing his journey as the politician. Life is a gold, and yes a gold. Do it now or you may never. Mould it and tear it down, build a beautiful ring. An eagle shall break its beaks for all the way there is a bright future. If you don't break it there shall never be new beak.

Support Young Politicians, Encourage Them, Are You with Me? Help get more young Rulers.

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