Sunday 12 November 2017

Logs in Nyagoe

I have not resort to blogging just as a platform for writing but also as a medium to pass message strongly. 

Of late, people have brought issues of logs being used in Nyagey Drendhur. I have long been having the same feeling. There are twenty Dzongkhags and atleast 20 trees shall be chopped off for the purpose just to see who lifts the weight more. Many competes in the Dzongkhag and come to national level. I don't know if the same logs are being transported to Thimphu or some fresh trees are being cut from Dochula. If the optimisation is not done, in average a dzongkhag might have consumed 10 logs. Therefore 200 logs from 200 trees is not a small matter. It takes so much of time for a tree to grow. The sapling i planted back in my primary school is just a metre round even when near to three decades of my life. 

I think we got to use logs with so much rationality. When it comes to just chopping off and lifting, i think it does not suit a purpose. 

Nyagoe after all is not about who is a fast hand. Its about strength who can pull or lift or push. I sincerely feel the woodlogs can be replaced by acurate weighed metal blocks and skip that chopping part. 

If it reaches to the coordinator… please treat it as an application… a request. Lets be a real protector of our trees. 

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