Thursday 9 November 2017

The Girl Who Broke my Virginity

Virginity is beyond breaking of the universe. It is a only practical enlightenment possible.

Love has carried me through a summer floods meandering through erosions and landslides. It has thrown me against rocks and boulders. It has broken me into pieces but most of all it has brought me where I am today.

I was on a contract labour force working with a wage of few hundreds a day. One day when I went for collecting stones for the next layer of our building wall, I met the most memorable incidence of my life. If it was not for the exhausted stock of stones, I would have never met her. If it was not for Tobgye’s laziness I would not have met her. If it was not for Tshering’s cap she would not have fallen for me.

There were three ladies walking towards the forest with a basket each on their back. From the hill top, Tshering chose his quota.

“The front one is mine” he shouted like a mad elephant capturing the land.

“The last one is mine” Choejay proclaimed like a tiger marking his teritory.

“I wanna go for the leftover one with red cap on his head” she whispered her choice through the wind. I whistled my hapiness. It did not take any more minutes to fall in love with the tall middle lady.

Throwing my friend’s red hat on the air I jumped over bushes and rolled down to her feet. “May I know your name?” I gently asked.

“I am Soenam” her voice pierced my ear drum with it’s softness.

“So you are sonam… I am sonam’s karma” I said. Her two inches thick lips with broad smile killed my heart. “When shall I kiss that lips?” my pampered wild mind couldnot control its wish.  

“You will soon, boy” the other half consoled. I found myself cutting firewoods for her big basket. I carried it to her house. It was like one big stone on my back. Her sweet voice has lifted my feet.

“Have a cup of ara and go or i will feel bad” her beautiful face was not to be rejected.
“Can you write me your number” i gave her a tone like that’s why i carried your woods. I noted her number while she continously topped up the Ara.

It was almost a bottle down when I stood up to leave for my camp. My camp mates were already on bed.
“So you did not get any dinner?” Tobgye asked like father of the family as I opened the pot lids.
“Why do you think they should feed me?” my alcoholic tone threatened them.

“Nah nah, he mean to say if you had a party with that girl.” Tshering clarified.
‘so you think a girl can be fucked in a first meet?’
‘What about you guys?  Did you two fucked the two shorts?’

They laughed indicating their loss of collecting firewoods for the girls. ‘They met their fathers and was badly given” Tobgye thickened the sentences. ‘Our mullick has cancelled today’s presense at work for three of you’

Even if i was not paid, that did not bother much after i met Soenam. Her face and eyes gave me all the strength. The Yangtse Village where cranes fly over your head, this beautiful village was where my lovely soenam belong.

On the ridge of Chorten Kora, facing the Yangtse Dzong,  overlooking the whole yangtse valley was where she would call me. We would call the place a Tsedung Pokto.

‘Please come to Tsedung Pokto by 3.00pm today’ she had left a message to my number. As usual i bunked the work and went with knife and gumboots to collect woods.

After a steep climb from the Bomdeling Zam and walking up to the Pokto, i found her between the prayer flags. ‘Where is your basket?’ I showed her my patang to chop woods.

She smiled and said ‘Do you think I will always make you work?’

‘No… no.… i don’t think like that’ but my eyes were like why are we here today.

I sat near her, controlled my breathe. ‘so please atleast tell me your full name and about parents’

‘These prayer flags belongs to my mom’ ‘she passed away three years ago exactly this day’

‘Please don’t cry, i think she must be happy up there feeling proud of you’ I cleaned her tears. We erected three more prayer flags and returned home.

‘So you did it? How was it?’ my friends threw questions like hailstone. I could not chew my meal well.
‘I promise, I did not try for it. She was sad for her late mom’ my friends ears were thicker than a bear’s ear. More than me, my friends wanted me to fuck her.
‘Go man go wash yourself once’

I wanted to make love with her but i feared if i make mistake that would end our relation. I never wanted to kill our relation. I kept telling myself it is not right time to do.

‘Are you virgin?’ I sent a message to her one night. I did not get any answer. Her call could not be connected thereon. She did not receive even from my friend’s numbers.

I tried forgetting her. I got back to punctual in work. We would roam nights sneeking through girl’s blankets. My friend’s already broke their golden membranes. Some even broke the plastic one. I couldnot succeed despite rigorous attempts.

After three months i received a message, the same message that i had sent to Ms Soenam three months ago.

‘Are you virgin? ’

I tried calling the number but was never to be connecting. I decided to send the message.

‘Yes I am and you?’

‘Me too, so you wanna do it?’ when i received back this sms i chose to not reply.

‘Please come to Tsedung Pokto’ I could not imagine My lost angel would come to life again and offer me a virginity.

Day after I rushed there, with same old gumboots. She laughed at me. I could not do anything than to recall myself some stupid ideas.

My friend told me to grasp a girl and put inside, they will remain calm. I can’t do that. ‘So what are you thinking’ she asked. It brought me back to senses. ‘Nah… nothing’

‘Are you virgin?’ She nodded silently. When girl remains silent it indicates yes, my friend tobgye a lady professor tutored me.

‘Can I do it’ she remained silent. I hugger her. I untied my patang. I tried pulling her pants down.

‘Nah… this is where my mom must be watching.’ ‘We can’t do’
My half success was withdrawn. She loved me for my obedience. ‘Please come tonight at home’ she said.

We walked down to her home with some woods. The sun rays passes behind the hills like snails pace when you are waiting for a night to end the virginity.

Finally, we were on her bed. ‘Do you promise to marry me?’ My gurus taught me to always tell I shall marry. ‘I love you and why I should not marry you?’ i kissed her forehead. It was an inch near to the broad sexy lips.

I pulled her forth. Her soft boobs pressed against my chest. My heart beats were much faster. ‘Can I pull your panties?’

She remained sillent. I pulled slowly all her panties down. I emptied my wears too. I gently pushed it in her vagina. It was watery. ‘Are you feeling sexy’ I tried talking to her. She nodded her acceptance. I pushed little more inside. ‘Ah wait it’s paining’

I slowly rubbed against her clitoris. We begain our course. I pressed whole deep inside. She brought her sexy lips on mine.

I ended the long saved virginity.

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