Friday 30 March 2018

Election 2018 and My Wish

To safeguard the constitution, it is everyone’s responsibility. To  uphold the sovereignty of the nation is everyone’s responsibility. To preserve the sacredness of the golden throne is everyone’s responsibility. I don’t expect any candidates or parties to give us this manifesto because this is a must to do for all of us to live as a Bhutanese. Now, I expect our parties to promise these.

1. Build International Airport in East: Make East a Gateway too.
2. Road Through Southern Foothills
3. Establish Scientific research Centre: Accommodate Innovative Brains Locally.
4. Solve the Rent Crisis: Housing Scheme.
5. Energy: Build Solar, Wind and Hydro-power all across, Market beyond India.
6. Human Resource Corruption: Solve Recruitment, Training and Transfer Corruption.
7. Tax: Review Tax Slab.
8. Gungtong: Solve this Issue Immediately.
9. Sokshing: Return to the Owners.
10. Employment: Provision Quota for Farmer's Children in Civil Service.
11. Security: Form National Intelligence Bureau.
12. Voucher: Reform the Voucher Taxation.

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