Friday 30 March 2018

Of Beggars and Soenyampas

Of late there has been cases of beggars in Thimphu Street growing like a wild fire. Some are out from door to door. It may be seen as the broken policies that is giving birth to such social scenario. Should we blame politics or our fundamental self. No one would like to have a jaigoan at Thimphu where you are pulled from behind just to see an empty plate to pour in your deeds from purses. 
I am writing it regarding this because some one today came knocking my bed room door. That was totally a privacy infringement. I nearly blew my hands off but I am sorry I did not have a time to think about karma or shits of buddhism. I think we should know the boundary. I stayed whole night awake because my kid was sick and could not sleep. The morning nap was shattered by this man who even don’t know how to sing Jinpa Tob Kee Sangay. A very poor quality beggar at my door. 
Earlier it was a beggar who came just to refuse ten ngultrum and demand more than fifty bucks. We have beggars whose jaws as spanning as the crocodiles. They want to eat a big piece. There were beggar who could wait till your salary credits. 
In my childhood days I saw soenyampas praying and going round for alms. They were said to stay as the hermits in the mountains meditating. They would take grains and cereals.The modern world is ridiculous, beggars are too powerful to break into offices and demand alms. They wish to collect hefpty amount and deposit in their Bank Account and have a filthy life in the City. 
Who would have a more sin? Those Beggars or Me? I work and earn myself. They are cheating me. I wish those Drey nakchungs to eat them thousand times. 
Disclaimer: This is not for genuine and physically challenged beggars.

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