Saturday 25 August 2018

Are we Sensible Enough?

His Majesty in the recent NGOP speech has mentioned that we Bhutanese are sensible. I was very proud to hear these golden royal words. But every speeches our HM delivers carries so many hidden meanings. I always take a time to dig in to and analyse for myself. The 2017 national day speech at Lhakhang Karpo has pierced my heart as usual. We really need to have a canine teeth to bite our own food. We are a very small animal in big jungle.

So what is that when HM refers that we are sensible? What if we are not? Shouldnot it mean we must be sensible? I have concluded that we need to be sensible enough to survive in this vast Jungle as a very tiny animal.

So how sensible are we in our politics and election? Are these wechat groups even allowed? Are we not as a citizen be responsible for being sensible to it? And more so, the leaders and candidates? How dangerous is to just watch our people getting divided? We have seen some party workers even accused to have allegedly assaulted. 

It is realy a time for all of us and more particularly the political members to be little more sensible enough so that we remain united in our soul and spirit. We must not loose our mind while we focuss serving people. At the end, we all must win and Bhutan must remain as sovereign as ever. 

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