Thursday 23 August 2018

The Election 2018 is Called

Election commission has called the primary election on September 15, 2018. This is less than a month far from now. It is good all the four political parties are through for the contest. Their letter of intent has passed the ECB requirements. All sorry and condolence to our Mr future PM Jackson this time.

Now the parties are kicking off their campaigns, the days are marked and very precious. It is these golden days that our ears will hear everthing worst or best and many will see your presense. Remember friends, ultimately we are one. We have our King, Country and People. Let whoever rule us we must remain as Bhutanese at all times to come. 

Therefore, it is crucial to analyse who says what and whose words are meant. Lets not be swayed by some colorful pledges. It has always been. Lets keep in mind, system wins every time. See the strength if they can takeover. The system must be changed for the betterment of our society, suitable for the larger demography. This is democracy. 

We shall analyse together! You can also throw your comments. Your opinion counts. 

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