Friday 10 August 2018

Why Divorce on the Rise?

There is not a time to get down on the table and think about life. Life is seriously into trouble now. The modern world has taken a lot of share out of it. I have been thinking of putting down some of my lines but only today some minutes seems to be tucked in the clock. 

Honestly, our top policy makers and thinkers really got to think about our societal changes. There are many fatherless children and there are many separation of families going on. I am wondering if it is the cultural changes or the economical burdens that are thrashing down the pressure on to the delicate lines of the partners. I can't imagine the emotional and physical trauma that our children goes through due to absence of the parents. Are we taking the marriage too easy?

If you can't be parents, why at all born them?  

I am scared if it is wechat or facebook or some of these social media that has led to the breaking away of families. Is not a time we regulate the social usage? Can't we afford to create awareness? I have even heard of our people conned by people across the border. Many have already been the victim. 

Some rich and powerful people have been in the arena for the sex hunt. I have even hands on experience. Once upon a time when I had to take lift in a Santafee from Trashigang to Gelephu, I happened to come across a rich contractor with a young beautiful girl in the front seat. I just thought she was the daughter of that man with money suitcase  until I was instructed to get a Key of the girl's room from the hotel manager in Samdrup Jongkhar. I am sure he paid her a huge price. I was sorry she was too young to sleep with him. 

It is not just contractors or rich gigs. The big post people are also in the hunt. We have come across managers, executives and senior officials getting down to beautiful assistants, operators or helpers and even sweepers. 

Now I am just confused if this is the way of life it should be or there is something we should really look into. I am feeling pathetic how Dasho's are in the bed of their subjects wife. Those drivers and outpost armies, I have you all my consolation. My consolation shall extend to all those shift operators across the industries and those partners who are unlucky to be all time together. 

Marriage is a big ceremony in the western world, it is said and we know how our marriage is as small as eating a dinner together and going to the same bed later the night. Tomorrow it would be married. That is the grand marriage we have. I am suspecting if this would be the very reason to it. 

Shouldn't we revise the penalty for the divorce? Getting separated is the crime bigger than the murder. Why can't we have bigger penalty? By deciding to divorce shall kill not just one soul but many in the family. No one has the right to kill other's soul. 

Our people must take time to decide for marriage. It is the biggest contract of one's life. It should not happen over night. Let marriage be hard and everlasting. 

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