Thursday 9 August 2018

How expensive is our Vote?

We have already seen two phases of Parliamentary Elections passing through right under our nose. Fortunately I am proud to be able to participate in both of the the Elections. I am hopeful many have joined the national suffrage earlier in 2013 and yet again this year for the 2018 election. 

My experience as a voter throughout this decade of democracy has grown wider. In 2008 as a high school grad I was made to understand like no one except former Lyonchen Jigme Thinley can rule our nation apart from our Kings. It was like let the constituencies be represented by Dogs or Cats, if we have JYT, then it is done, we are safe. I am just scared to recall if I was totally brainwashed. Then the mandate for DPT came as landslide victory swept over PDP with only two slots in the Parliament. 

Across DPTs tenure, yes many developments came in. Then Bhutanomics also came along with the highly progressive development of social media usage. I fell in love with its articles. I must say, I am sad that the website is dead or dead silent now. The articles convinced me of many corrupt activities that high profile DPT officials are engaged in. That was exactly what as humble citizens don't want. I wished for the a government who would try it's best to distribute the wealth of the nation fairly among st it's citizens with better policies and laws. I wished government help our poor and backward citizens to stand-up. 

Then as 2013 approached, so many right and wrong information were scattered in the social market. Starting from Minister's taking away Prado to Indian government trying to stop the essential commodities. We were made to feel suffocated and helpless. If we don't vote PDP, then we will die, I had that feeling.  There were many carriers of good or bad information. Only smart guys would digest well. So then PDP had a wonderful win after good switch of it's candidates from Nyamrup. 

Now it is 2018 and the Election is just at a doorstep. I feel that we the people has learned quite a lot. We are well educated to give away our thumps. We are well informed about why we should cast a vote. We are matured enough to understand the politics of the politicians. I would take this privilege to remind you the following before we deliberate on any issues.

1. I am confident that each and everyone of us truly sought for our country to be sovereign for all times to come. If so, keeping and safeguarding our national sovereignty is the first and most important responsibility we are bestowed upon. No matter even if we starve, our nation must survive.
2. Next thing I am hopeful is that everyone of us must be seeking a just society with uniform economical progress thereby fulfilling our strive towards National Happiness.

If we agree on the above two values or belief I am further expecting all of us to agree on the following condition.

"For Bhutan to survive and prosper, Our Monarchy is Key to it, Our Royal Foundation is non negotiable"

Therefore, point number one  is a need and two is a want. Now, our monarchs have gifted us this auspicious responsibility of protecting our existence as the nation as well as building of it. The most valuable way of contributing towards the nation is by participating-casting a Vote through Conscience'

Our vote is precious and non comparable to a bottle of beer or taxi fare or any dinner or lunch. It is a priceless gift that emerged all the way from the golden throne. Our vote must be protected from being stolen or robbed or lost. Our vote must not be put into auction for sale. Because it has all the sanctity which votes across the world does not have. Because our vote is a vote of conscience.

So, just feel it yourself, if anyone comes to lure your votes, just feel it My Vote My Heart, no one can Lure it. 

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