Wednesday 31 October 2018

Integrity Test for the National Assembly

The first sitting of the third parliament was awesome in a sense that the prime minister, cabinet ministers and MPs received their Kabney and Patang with swearing in ceremony under the firm oath. It was all the charm to see the MPs including Prime Minister in Blues. Zero Gaps in the Identity of the member of parliament, at least for the first sitting. It was also a unique sitting to see two MPs part taking for the post of Speaker and Dy, Speaker from the Opposition Party. 

Now, if we refer our constitution Article 12 Clause 3 states "At the first sitting after any general election, or when necessary to fill a vacancy, the National Assembly shall elect a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker from among its members."

And going to the National Assembly Act, "Any member may submit a nomination of a member for the post of the Speaker in the House. The nomination shall be seconded by another member and accompanied by a statement by the nominee that he or she is willing to serve as the Speaker."

Going by these two Clauses, I am baffled on how the nomination from the party is being accepted after all. Speaker and Dy. Speaker can be nominated by any member with the support of another member, it says. Interpretation must be on the floor. I am of the opinion that the nomination must come as an Individual by any members supported by any other members along with the acceptance of the nominee. Will this nominee from the Party be construed as the nomination from any members? Because party is a collusion of many members and Speakers as the post described to be non partisan deliberately demands the nomination from non colluded members.  If not so, the Act must also read as;

Any Parties may submit a nomination of a member for the post of the Speaker in the House. The nomination shall be seconded by another member or all members of the party and accompanied by a statement by the nominee that he or she is willing to serve as the Speaker.

I am suspecting this nomination as the very reason of the recent vote of 30-17 which clearly indicate the division among the party lines. (May not be true). How ever the nomination process it self seems to be flawed. The Integrity is being questioned at the very aftermath of the Oath Take. 

The One Vote from the Opposition towards the Dy. Speaker of Ruling must have been slip of fingers or if at all a decided Vote, the MP had taken the Oath seriously. 

Was the integrity compromised for the Votes on Speaker and Dy. Speaker? Is the system itself is flawed? Your Opinions shall be solicited. 

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