Friday 7 December 2018

A Road Must in Southern FootHills

Everytime I travel the Assam Bengal Road, I pray that the road within our soil is being built sooner. From burning of the vehicles and torturing the Commuters by the Public to unethical penalties by the police, Bhutanese Travellers have faced so much of trouble plying the Indian Highway. The predicaments are being exposed right infront of our nose and it is well evident but why won't anyone try to build our own highway?

Is it because, there is not any funding? Is it because the road within shall be through protected areas? or Is it because the road within shall run through thick southern forests which is deemed insecure? Is it because the road within may expose our nation to insecurity? 

There are so many things going in my mind, why won't anyone build up the road within our own soil. The present journey from Phuentsholing to SamdrupJongkhar is approximately 355Km and as shown in the Google Map, the road within is expected to bring down the distance to 225Km which is 130Km short. So why won't we choose to narrow the length? Subsequently the Gelephu to Samdrup Jongkhar or Phuentsholing distance is also very likely to be cut short.  If not for security implications the funding hindrances should not be a reason to halt the road being built within. Lets see the financial consequences via Indian Highway below.

Everyday, a thousand vehicles ply the Indian Highway according to the verbal information fetched (This needs to be verified, the Police at Bhutan Main Gate denied to share the data stating the requirement of permisssion from higher authority, but certainly I assume more than this number). Bhutanese vehicle plying through Indian highway is being charged Nu 50 (Nu 10 Extra compare to other Indian Vechicle as it is in Ngultrum-They don't give a shit whether 1Nu =1Rs) in the Toll Booth as a Fee. A 1000 Vehicle means 50,000 Ngultrum EveryDay and in a month we are draining out 15,00,000/- (Fifteen hundred Thousand) un accounted in our economy. Do you think it is nothing and negligible to our economy? 

In a recent time, I was charged a Penalty of Nu 450 for breaching the traffic rule. It was overspeeding at Dalsingpara Stretch. I saw a Speed Post 30Km/Hr and you know what, no vehicles travel there at 30Km/Hr including those Tempos and Shempos (A Broken Trucks).  The police man just took off my documents and told, I can pay the fine online and take the documents later for which I have to plea for the Documents as I would be heading to my station and shall be hard to be back. They charged Nu 50 as the Online Fee. I saw many Bhutanese Drivers Linedup for the Fine and some were even shouting for some discount ( that guys were like we need to bargain with Indians notion). What this taught me is, we don't have any rights, whatever. One bike just collided at my back on the Car and broke the Bumpers, I just had to Run Away even though it was the Bike who rushed from behind to hit me. This is our fate, we don't have right even if we are right. 

So, for economic or political or security, it is time now we sort out things and plan a better future. The southern drive is too much of torment. My parents pray that no goat or dogs or chicken's come in between when we drive that way, because the Mobs there are known to count all those unhatched babies to penalise you. 

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