Thursday 31 January 2019

Education for ALL

Congratulation Brothers and Sisters! 

I am still not clear pass percentage mentioned across media as 35%. What so ever I have consistently been supporting the government's Idea of free education till Ten Plus Two. Maintaining a pass percentage at 35 or 40 or 45 or 25 is a subject to be hugely deliberated and consulted with relevant stakeholders and therefore, do not deem possible at this very short span of time. 

How ever, as our constitution clearly spells the conduct of meritocracy, I am of the opinion that pass percentage of 40% is mandatory for sustaining the basic level of standards in our education system. It is as good as RCSE maintaining a qualifying mark of 50% to get into Civil Service. The cutoff was a demarcation only to demarcate students who can be absorbed into government schools and who can be not. 

If our resources favors, there could be a situation where every tom dick and harry  gets into next higher class irrespective of their performance. Where will be our meritocracy?  A failed guy must be a failed one and let take another course of stream. I have read somewhere that Denmark's Free Education has created Eternity Students. I possibly feel this scenario if it occurs in Bhutan would be much more a disaster in our education policy. 

Now, government has embarked the historic education for all up to ten plus two, it is a blessing for all our children and parents. It would be an onus and obligation for all of us as a citizen, parents, teachers or students to productively use the government's investment to return a very big profit in the form of healthy nation with an enhanced level of learning. 

As of now, of 12033 students, it is stated that 4225 students are to be injected in private schools. I would urge our government to study and prepare to absorb all upcoming passed students in government schools by establishing more high schools or expanding the infrastructure of existing schools. Because while supporting private development is important, we cannot afford to handover business of health and education to some individual authorities. I strongly convict education and health must be run by state. 

As I have read through some of social media outlets, it seems that the cutoff is being maintained and students shall be absorbed in governments schools who has scored the cutoff and above percentage. The students who scored below cutoff are said to be sponsored by state to admit in private schools. Assuming that the private and government schools are same in all aspects, it would have been better if the choices were offered based on the merit list. It would have been even more better if the students are given to choose the stream first and then schools. Some would prefer private schools and some would go for government schools. I am wondering if the government would sponsor even traveling charges besides tuition fees for students who may get admission in some private schools in Thimphu. We have to be well aware that there is just handful of private schools in eastern districts where more number of students comes from and I also aspect students below cutoff mostly from such regions. 

I am scared if there is any ad hock new private school established just made of few buildings to meet the demand of students inflow. It must be the duty of citizens to not let anyone trade and treat our education as the center of business. I strongly wish to condemn if any such has emerged within these few months. I even wish to support the closure of the private schools. 

As the nation prepares to offer a education to ten plus two for all our children who has maintained the pass mark, it is also important to analyse the price that we pay for our education. I would request our government to publish the tuition fees, boarding fees, lab charges, etc including any other charges to enroll the students in private schools that government said has negotiated. It is also important to announce the list of private schools with whom the government has endorsed admitting students. 

While budget and investment is an issue, I feel it only matters till we signify it. Unless we see the investment as waste, the program is well intended and it surely will build the backbone of the nation. 

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