Tuesday 19 March 2019

Why a Bhutanese Marry Foreigner?

Well, I wish to think it is a True Love. Bhutanese bringing in spouses from across the border is not a new chapter in our marriage system. But of recent times, our citizens getting wedded to foreigners, indicated to be an amazing notice. And I have just tried to think out of the blue, why this is happening. Sorry if I am bothering other's life but I must state that I care my nation. 

There would be many factors which attribute to the marriage of people to foreigners but I felt it is important to note and dream what our country may look like one day, if every one of us just don't care our own and tie the hand with some one far away from our home. Some people has started to blame power of the dollar force for loosing our girls to the foreign gentlemen but mind it, many boys too has already wedded their love of life, from across the oceans. Is it really the era of true love happening right in front of our nose? I have to believe that Bhutanese men won't go after dollars. My lady friend who is honest enough happened to joke, that a Bhutanese men are very useless bed partner, which she implied may be the reason, for the ladies opting for men across the globe. 

Who cares what kind of Bed Work they want or not? Who cares the dollar they get or not? Who cares their true love? Are they not thinking of future consequences or they just believe their fundamental right so much that they forget what they owe to the nation? One is okay, two is okay, three is okay, four is okay but what if all of us get one each from the foreign shores? Where will our Identity be then? I just can't imagine our young boys bringing in one-one each Korean Chicks if at-all the true love theory works. 

My friend said that many Asians who marry an Australian or Canadian or American looks for settling into western life. Bhutan is different Asian country and I hope our people who marry foreigners don't have this as their option. Our only resources is us, the people and particularly younger ones. If thousands of our young ones patch up with foreign spouses, we will suffer a syndrome of citizen loss which will impact us in great way. Of course you may argue that thousands won't happen but who can prove, it would never happen? The impact known or unknown shall be in big ways. There will be emotional drainage which definitely would erode many of our loving cultures. Even if our foreign in-laws wish to settle as Bhutanese the risk of diluting our culture and heritage is hugely high. I am not talking about religion or anything else but basically the inherited blood. At times while the status of our nation grows more perishable with the overpowering of giant nations above and below, it would just take such few people to destroy us all. 

But why it happens or would happen remains to be answered for all times to come. Perhaps it will never be answered. One thing many people would accept is, the unemployment which always keep our youths at the vulnerable end. That is the very reason why many Thai ladies get into the arms of old American tourists, because dollar feeds their need. I am sad to see how the world functions but it is what it is. I am sure a remote farmer is contributing to Ronaldo's income which he just seem to waste with his girlfriends and just play & play. Yes, the world is connected some how knowingly or unknowingly. The fall or rise of a dollar today, really does affect our ngultrum and therefore our herders of Merak & Sakteng. Yes we seriously do pay the price of any loss or damage elsewhere in the world. 

Therefore is the case, that our economic activities constitutes to be the main factor towards outflow and inflow of the marriage deals because for them marriage is a business where one's life is at stake. Where would our great grandparents get a spouse from across pacific oceans when they could not even make it from the next village, those times. In this highly tangible era where one could go to Britain, like out for a toilet, the risk of getting breeds homogenised across the borders is high. I should blame our tourism for all sorts of facilities. This may be the very good time to thank and cherish our Isolation Policy of those times. I am not being racist but I just don't want to see the situation fifty years from now where I am asked whether I am an Indian or Chinese or British or an American. I want to be Bhutanese and so you be. 

To all those young gentlemen and women, please note that there are many worthy ladies and boys out there in our own Kingdom, please fix them one and just leave your shitty true love thing. 

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