Tuesday 8 January 2019

Job Quota in Bhutan

Very good news, India proposes for the Job Reservations Bill. I have long been thinking of such kind in our Country too. 

India while it has many reserved seats known as quotas, like scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) & Other Backward Classes (OBC)  for government funded higher education institutions, it plans to move further with Job Reservations for Backward Class Citizens. We on the other hand has no such reservations or quotas and even the women in parliament quota also has vanished in the air.

As I seem to be fond of reservations, it would be good to tell you that I am not big fan of it because of the fact that such reservations sometimes would injure a fair and just competition. But having said this it is also important that we know such reservations would be equally productive if the case is built on a very strong foundation directly impacting the most crucial areas. 

Thus, I am with this humble view that, to built a just and strong work force on a national front we must also support a Job Reservation against the Backward Class Citizens which would definitely include children of farmers and children from remote places. Because we never know our Prime Minister of tomorrow must be residing without a pant in a remote villages of Kheng or somewhere in Sakteng.

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