Monday 2 November 2015

My King My God

I saw a portrait of handsome man in our  altar at home as far as I can remember. My parents told me, he is a Zhap Rinpochhe. Our altar did not have a more precious relics than the portrait of the His Majesty. They told me he is the sole protector of our Country. Later in my life, I came to know that he was the great fourth. Though I did not meet my king in person, he had all my faith and devotion as early as my tender age. My King is Jigme Singye Wangchuck, as I wrote his name on the class three workbook it would bring a sense of Joy and Peace. To remember a king was to sooth myself with  huge sense of security like a child, one would have everything, shelter, food and happiness. As I grew little more able to think profound, my loyalty to our king  grew stronger. I shall be offended if even an internet malice exist about my king.
The experience of 2003 touched deep in my heart. I could not bear the firing noise from Kaptongphu which was heard in our hostel. It was even more emotional to know that our beloved king has left the throne for the battle ground to lead the troops. I couldnot imagine the fear of loosing a war, getting killed and my body being bruttally tortured. Most of all, I couldnot hold the fear of loosing our sovereignty. Suppressing all those fears, it was declared we won the battle, terror organisations were thrashed out of our soil. It was a great news and biggest relief of my lifetime. The great fourth has performed the outstanding role. Never to be forgotten in the history of Drukyul. I won't forget to share this to my son. The king of prophecy has delivered us the world's most precious service. All the children of Drukyul of all times to come must know that one Great king was there in our history. My closest appearance with my beloved great fourth came in 2005 during a draft constitution deliberation.  More than 20k people gathered. My king was there on  the stage like  Guru Rinpoche. I could not sway my eyes elsewhere than watching him, though the stage was little far from my line. Every people shared the same wish that our great fourth be on the throne. I just wished, all kings be the great fourth. I did not know that it was all set for Democracy.

Today as we commemorate the 60th birth anniversary of our great king, I want to celebrate and dedicate this piece of writing to my beloved king. If I ever believe in god, I believe in Him. I can't hold my tears for the great service HM offered us. I would like to thank you your Majesty for protecting us. Thank you for peace, comfort  and happiness.  Thank you for guiding us. Thank you for showing the light. Thank you for the huge love. Thank you for giving us another great king. In my little way, as my respect and love, I commit myself to serve my king, country & people with unwavering faith. Long Live my King!!!! Happy Birthday!!!

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