Sunday 13 December 2015

Condom Is Must

We are prone to this deadly disease having a porous border to most infected state in India. Protitutes are brought to our doorstep. Well, I am speechless to hear that some one having the  disease is being pawed by tens and hundreds. Thank God, I did not meet a girl easily available in my time (he he). What could be a better chance for the boys who are so hungry of Sex than this available woman who is drunk. Seriously who is so dignified enough to spare the pork on a plate, at this hour. Guys are roaming these drayangs and party halls just for, what? Frankly I reall'y doubt the intentions of those fellows who are party & drayang freaks. Anyways hopefully its sure, there are some who do not misuse these entertainment platform. Salute to those gentle men and women.

So, here it is, the story of a girl who is HIV positive, is roaming the market and seen to be lifted for the night by boys. Whose to be blamed? Is it the health officials who are to monitor her?  Is it the guys who cannot spare a drunk women even? Is it the woman herself? Is it us, society?  Is it the woman's family?  What so ever, the information was spreaded well across social media because Chituen Phendey Tshogpa shared the news. I perceived as very constructive & useful news. We never know the next lifter would be you.

On the next hand, announcing somebody's HIV status is against ones privacy and it may come as infrigement or defamation. But when it is for the larger interest of the public it is to weigh far more beneficial. Yes I do support to reveal the Identity of the HIV positive. When i mean identity of HIV positive don't get me wrong, i am not saying to reveal the name of the person infected. Understand me, i mean we people have a right to know whether the other person is proper enough to do what we have to do with them. So is there any ways to reveal the identity of the disease without revealing the face of the person.  I seriously wish there is a Mark like foresters  Tree Marker Mark on the private part of the infected people. So that anyone can't be deceived. If people go forward even by knowing it, then i think its beyond anyones control. So is it too much to have a seal on the private part? Is this really going to deprive ones privacy?

P.S Well if i am HIV positive i shall offer to paste me a mark for the interest of the innocent cleans and virgins. By the way, i carry condoms everywhere for my safety, better you can follow my strategy. (Haha)

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