Wednesday 6 January 2016

Public Transport

Public transports have been a great means to all of us and significantly beneficial to lower section  of the public. Understanding the need and benefits of public transports, it has come to a time where more fret of buses are necessary, not just to reduce a traffic Jam but also to save consumption of fuel remarkably and thus combat pollution. While it is strongly felt the need of the service of buses, it is also found that the service offered by the buses be made more reliable & trustworthy to the passengers.

It has been heard and seen, that buses when broke down has left passengers exposed in cold & heat without shelters in the middle of the journey. Passengers are made to wait for hours and even days until the substitute is reached or it is being repaired. It has been also the case that buses drop the passengers to un-destined parking stations. Worst of all has been the case that buses routine
 gets cancelled just before few minutes of the departure. My recent incident happened on 1st January 2016 with the bus scheduled to travel from Gelephu to Wangdue. The information that the bus is under maintenance was passed to passengers only when reported to the booking just few minutes away from departure. While we understand that each an every passengers have their own emergency and scheduled travel, who is responsible for such mismanagement. Because any other alternative is going to cost the journey and schedule. When the passengers are left in the open space by saying bus got cancelled who is going to be blamed? Does passengers have right to sue the bus owner? who is responsible for monitoring such issues? Are our systems too flat to rectify such problems? It is high time we raise the travelers right and make the buses more obliged. 

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