Tuesday 1 December 2015


A working environment or a tool call system has hijacked our efficiency in many of the departments although it has made handy for the workers and service givers. Go in Banks,  Government Offices, BPC Bill counters and

RSTA office it is all the same. "Ah System Not Working" what can be done? My recent incidence happened with RSTA system has left me to think that having a system which occasionally fails is all the way same as doing without a system. An operation in a computer calling it as a system has help in tremendous good ways but when it fails it also gives tremendous loss to the public. My car's validity expired on 28/11/15 and it was Saturday which was a holiday for government offices. On Monday the RSTA office was closed and i was conveyed all the staff went for someones cremation in Thimphu. What an ill luck, Tuesday almost went off with the system's bad performance. The operator said, system is not working and we have to wait. All of us were busy in our own ways and some were taxi drivers whose income were sacrificed in renewal office. Worse news came when we were fined as a penalty for being late. The fitness costs you 50 ngultrum per day and licence renewal costs 10 a day. Is not a robbery on their part to penalize us when we are clean on our part? Who should bear the consequence of system being failed or staffs being absent creating delays? I was made to pay and others paid too but what about our time which killed so many significant works? Who should be held accountable? We have such services which are deemed insignificant to be raised but silently having a deep impact on social performance. It definitely affects economy as well as happiness. 

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