Tuesday 15 August 2017

Epilepsy-The Killer

Did you know, it is said that, around 60 million people suffer from this neurological disease-epilepsy? Bhutan is not exception. Our country is approximated to have more than 7000 people suffering from epilepsy. While kidney disease and alcohol related diseases shares major portion, Epilepsy has been the silent killer in our society. When kidney related diseases could have association it is a remarkable work and why not epileptic patients also have the same. We live in one society.

I came across many people who suffers from this disease. Some are cured at the early age itself and some people have to live with it their whole life. I have seen some lamas treating this kind of disease, but i am not so sure, if it really did cure.  I had a friend in high school who used to collapse every time in the morning when we wake up for jogging. He must have swallowed every lamas saliva so as to cure the disease. I am still doubtful if he is cured. 

More than anyone else, I have my dad living with this deadly disease. My father, suffered from this disease since when i was 10 yrs old. He must have been 35 to 40 yrs of age.  Its even forgotten how he caught with this disease. I believe he got the disease since he ate a meat of the bull of our neighbor which died from falling off the cliff. It is suspected the bull also suffered from some kind of this disease which led to its death.  There after my dad suffered from unconsciousness and fits. I have experienced this for almost three decades of my life. During fits it as like as dead. It would take several hours to regain the consciousness.    He consulted every Bonpas and lamas, but could not be cured. 

Finally when i entered the service, he was in Thimphu. Dr. Nirola said it might be because of alcohol. Of course he drinks ara back in village, i could not accept it fully attributes to alcohol. I could not do anything, for my dad. Our country does not have any advanced level expertise in this disease. I seriously look forward to people who want to work for this cause. If you are interested you can contact me. Lets do something for these people who live only half of their life on earth.

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