Monday 21 August 2017


I am amazed how this word interprets in our language as disease-(Ney-zhi). Many people today suffers from mild kidney diseases to a severe failure of both the kidneys. These wonderful two bean shaped organs are said to be significant for our metabolic processes in our body. 

Our life is delicate and fragile as much as a blooming flower in an autumn wind. If one is gone that's little acceptable but when two are gone, we are gone. Without kidney what is life? It would be fine without legs and hands but without kidney, it  is uncertain you would ever survive. There are many patients ranging from a very young kids to adults who are undergoing dialysis because who would want to die? Everyone wishes to live. So we need to help some other live. Thanks to Bhutan Kidney Foundation, who has been puting in their hearts into the well being of the kidney patients. 

I know i won't make any difference in their activity but I am guilty to rest my arms as i see some one working so hard for the welfare of others. How can we live drinking and eating like cows and bulls while many of our friends are putting in their effort for the suffering patients just near your yard. Even if you are humble and financially down, its within this portion if you make it a way that the deed would surplus and maximize. This is what we always hear from our Rinpoches. So, with this believe, I promised to be a part of BKF contributing to it, a mere thousand bucks annually to save the life of kidney patients. I do one thing, I always make a point to give away something specially when i don't have enough. I think you can do it too.

So now on as a registered member of the BKF i wish to donate little of what i have and also wish to convey my friends and family to do the same. Because this little money is going to do a magic to life of the patients and specifically those who hail from the humble back ground. I am sure you remember a saying -"the merit of your good deed is like a drop of water in the ocean which will never dry up until ocean dries up".

Because I believe , it's more worthy to save a life than building a Chorten Jarung Khashor. So as it is said Mee chi Gawai Soenam Tah Gee Bagru Methoe"-even the horse would be unable to carry a load of deed that is caused by the happiness you injected to the person. Yes it would not be even carried by the flowing river.

I have stopped feeling insignificant, because it is all of the insignificance that counts to become a significant mass like a snow flakes collecting to become a huge ice berg. So friends, what is the matter if you sacrifice a day or weekend and give away those money to such needy patients.Be honest to ourselves if we sacrifice one party, we would save not less than a thousand bucks. More importantly you would save your kidney by refraining from the party halls. 

Lets do it!!! Please Contact me if you want to donate to BKF. or visit

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