Friday 1 September 2017

How Productive We Should Be

We are a little more than Seven Hundred Thousand People surrounded by around more than a billion each to the north and south. Human Resource is the only Asset that we are left with. What if we have a nuclear power to hit Beijing or Delhi? Yes We can!  How do we  do it? 

Its simple, lets truly follow the principle of Tha Dam Tshi-The Loyalty.

But are our people really following it? No! Everyone talks about development of our national laugauge, driglam namzha etc. And who are the ones to break it first. They are the sons and daughter of Ministers, Secretaries, Rich Shots and who can afford to send their children to Americas. See the trends in the town, the dressings, hairstyle and the way people talk. It is becoming a New York in Thimphu. 

An Honorable High Post Official gave a talk to us on how we should preserve our national language-Dzongkha and the moment speech was ended it was embarrassing to see his daughter calling him up-Daddy and more, they talked in English. It is really westernizing, but i doubt if we are developing. So who should really implement? It is in the bungalows. Some one must not waste money touring around to tell people to preserve our traditions because we humble people are already doing it. 

So how productive we need to be? We need to be so much transparent so that we can become productive. Because productivity comes with capacity building and capacity building comes to right people only with transparency. Finally it comes to rooting out of corruption in Recruitment and Selection also the Training in Development.

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