Monday 6 November 2017

My Perfect Girlfriend

Are the classes over?

She was hurried in a cabbie and i could hear her beautiful voice but a panicked one. I did not know she was taken on a kidnapped ride. I was walking down the stairs after the completion of evening sessions.

'Please come to Lane 311, south Delhi Road.'
My phone received this message just about the moment i opened my hostel room. I urgently packed the baggage and called Ashu to accompany me with his bike. Ashish was my best combrade after we got same room in first year and lovingly called him ashu. He reached to lift me on my hostel door of residence hall 5. I promised for Rs 500 petrol top up. We flew at a speed of hundred twenty per hour nearly slamming the butts of heavily loaded trucks.

At nine past five we parked our bike at lane 311 of delhi road of south Kolkata. We called to police and south kolkata police cars were blinking with their sirens few minutes after our arrival. No one was there and the road was dread sillent except for few delhi boarded lorries. Infuriated police poured so many dirty words on us and left. Her cell phone was no where to connect.

Ashu was more exasperated than i was. He kicked his bike just to tear his shoes. We decided to leave back to college after several hours of waiting. It was a hundred Kilometres travel. It was like million light years away for a hungry stomach and totally lost mind. Ashu consoled me while he continously ram the accelerator.

The night passed by without even a minute of sleep. It was already morning by the time we reached college. It was a new whole universe in our college perhaps because it was the first time in my life to see the virgin fresh morning. I couldnot bear the pain of my lost girlfriend. It more pricked me deep when I approached towards my lonely bed in a hostel room.

It went several days not hearing from her. I have even lauched an FIR with police. When i enquired about the status, the police man asked me to deposit some fifty thousand to expedite the case. Suddenly, like a sun rays falling on the young embryo, i got a call from Nisha's father. His tone felt like a thunders of monsoon. I was sure he wanted to ask about her daughter.

Yes uncle'

'Sonu' he customised his firm voice. My muscles creeped in like chicken in the deep refrigerator.

Hear contn next time....... 

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