Tuesday 21 November 2017

Lets Software Engineers Shine

What is great in a civil engineer? It is not at least the king of engineering. Why people are so obsessed of civil in Bhutan? Perhaps because they earns more money? Perhaps because they are roads, bridges and building builders?

Why mechanical, chemical or electronics are being treated like they are dogs in engineering. I am embarrassed at the way our people judge. People do not know how chemical engineers are being the most expensive engineer in the world. People do not know how mechanical engineers are demanded in Indian Industries. People do not know how electronics and software engineers earn billions in Facebook and Microsoft. Ultimately it is how one works.  I am not in a position to appreciate some one who is a civil engineer and makes lots of money by compromising quality of work because they have to have a commission from contractors. 

The future of Bhutan lies in the technology and perhaps it should be electronics and computer engineering people who should be given the top spot in our society. Because Bhutan has the record of having already blessed and talented civil engineers even before the formal engineering colleges were instituted. And we know how our Dzongs stands magnificently, some even without nails. 

Therefore, those brainy kids should pickup software engineer as their first choice not architecture or civil engineering. Are we not driven by some kind of money making mind or fantasy of being an Engineer whose popularity is being established.

I am scared if thousands of civil engineers land jobless if the trend is not being mitigated. Where will  we reach by 2050 or 2070 or 2090. All the buildings, bridges and roads will be already constructed by then. Or are we willing to move like we shall built by next three centuries. 

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