Saturday 15 December 2018

Tshe Chenga-The Real Hero

It is sunday and my time seems flying like a space rockets. The next sunday is just a week away. This is what life is all about, it is so impermanent like a morning dews. We go, come, sit, eat, sleep and end up a day. If you can do, do what mankind deserves to do. 

Some people would be just deliberating about the business and how to generate incomes. I am here appreciating some good works of mankind, too cute to be termed small. Tshe Chenga-literary translating to the fifteenth day of every month, is a wechat group purposely designed to gain merits on the special ocassion by donating some amounts which would help the unfortunate mankinds. My colleague Mr Palden shared me about it some months ago and I gracefully joined the group to atleast help a hundred bucks a month, which would certainly be the droplet that forms the ocean. 

I have seen this group of Jindas around nearly five hundred of them very rich in hearts. The deeds goes to helpless neighbours, relatives, friends, students, women, children, patients and so on. I had my morning today to think over it. When other side of the world is too busy in their own business to help get up an old man up on the streets, we have here some wonderful souls finding a time out of their work to help poorer humankinds. Salute to all those women and men. Don't you wanna be among such wonderful souls? If you do, please join the group. A hundred ngultrum is very huge and would mean hundred million to some of our unfortunate friends. If you feel hundred ngultrum is too much to donate, just take a time to recall how many bottles of beer you drink a month, how many domas do you take a month and how many packages & vouchers do we exhaust a month?

It is so much of hypscrisy to pray and let the compassion pass over your feet. I feel it is better unbeat the throema drum than to not help the poorer people out in the society. What is the use of Kon Cho Sum La Soelwa Doep, when you knowingly deny the helpless. Should not that be a guilt in our own hearts? I am sure Kon Cho Sum is laughing at our Ass, because we have millions to do Rimdro and throw away the money but no money to buy food and shelter to our Poor People. The Big Jindas only want to sponsor at huge functions where their name would fly high in the stomachs of atmosphere. 

This Tshe Chenga Group certainly keeps it low to meet all silent sufferers. I am inspired and thus you shall be. Please feel free to Contact Me at yumzey2392 on wechat if you are one such lovely soul. You can also help share the Post to get to another lovely soul on earth.

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