Thursday 11 April 2019

WoW, VoW or AWW

 'At the same time, they are well traveled around the world, so we expect them to be well informed and aware of the outside world. They should be up-to-date with advancements in technology and new practices, and able to use this knowledge for the benefit of our country.'

I am bringing up this quote from His Majesty's National Day speech at Samtse because I feel it is very relevant to something we always talk about, our pay. They, here is referred to us, the public servants. With around 54000 public servants in the country we have to understand that we are paid by around 13 citizens. In business point of view, every one of us are having only 13 customers and it is hell of a business. Yet we expect a pay rise which will affect those 13 fellow citizens. These people are farmers, drivers, shopkeepers, and private Individuals. 

The significant point I perceive in HM's speech here is that we are more traveled around the world yet it is to understand that we are not back with any spectacular ideas or learning. Is there any history of a public servant bringing on huge impact on national goals such as security of the nation? As we can see, we need our own air space controls, boundary controls through technologies, new business mode & model, new trade paths, our own mobile factory, our own chips, gold, fuel, energy and our own money power. If we are not self reliant how do we even call our self as an Independent? 

Yet, even with expenditures of 18 billion (alone for civil servants), our public servants, human resource which we say as the key for the nationhood is seen very inefficient in economic terms. Do we even fetch the product of simple interest return? The investment we do is critical because we are a small principal economy. Because a herder from Merak or Lunana is paying us. The impact of drunk kids at Thimphu resonance to the corner of the country delivering the brunt. We are a small animal in the very dense forest among big lions and tigers, as His Majesty quoted. We truly need a canine teeth to chew our own food. 

And on pay, every one is right to voice out because we got to survive. Pay Commission's report if endorsed by the Cabinet comes as little to quite an amount of increase to our salary. As expected the percentage hike is less to top ranks and more to lower rungs, which just appears  a skin presentation. Because the difference flow is a simple natural numbers of 14, 15, 16, 17 and  18. While the other provisions of the report like PF and incentives must be applauded, commission could have thrown some guts to improve the percentage difference like say, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 etc. 

Meanwhile as rightly pointed out by someone, I hope  our Honorable MPs won't accept the raise but rather put in place some strong guidelines and precedence that the pays and perks of MPs must be passed by only the preceding parliament, therefore making the present parliament stand powerless to any changes in pays & perks when they are sitting MPs. I really do wish this clause in some acts. 

Now, worth of work (WoW) or value of work (Value of Work) or again wasted work (AWW), whatever we must appreciate that the commission has taken out their efforts to analyze the macro economic impacts and fiscal status but I still wish they induced some cognizance to reflect those wishes of the people such as sweepers, guards, drivers and facilitators. I wonder if they have questioned any one of them? It is no more now than to rely on our elected government to warmly receive the public feedback to include some necessary changes. We have to also question where and why we need the difference not just to judge some one by his abilities to lick the shoes of the boss. As sweeper or guard, I should say we must be ready to accept the pay determined through the principles of state policy, Equal Pay for Equal Work. 

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