Thursday 9 May 2019

Road Cross Over

Looking at the traffic congestion at busy hours, we got to do something. Is our Thromde even dreaming of it? Thimphu is crowded and suffocating. 

Banning of the car imports may not be a good solution but what can we do best to serve the purpose of easing the traffic Jam?

The jam occurs because there is the struck at some juctions or round abouts. Hundreds of cars line up from every direction. A simple and reliable method is to construct cross overs at round abouts and junctions. I hope our civil engineers think beyond buildings. 

Considering every cars taking 3-5 seconds to cross the junction, hundreds of cars would mean wastage of several minutes on the other side by waiting. Lets not even imagine about new hand drivers, some lady drivers or accidents on the way. 

I feel that it is not the number of cars that make city crowded but the inadequate insfrastructural facilities that deters the smooth flow of the road users which make our city jammed. 

Build road crossovers at round abouts & junctions and also build head bridge for padestrians. 

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