Tuesday 7 May 2019

That Beautiful Girl

I came across one Indian Labor who was proceeding for construction work somewhere in Thimphu. Just the moment I walk across him, he threw off the empty plastic bottle held on his hand. Then, I smirked at him and asked to pick it up. I told if he don't need it there is a dustbin somewhere and if the dustbin is too far, he got to carry it on his bag until he finds one.

I knew he was not happy but I have learnt it through my friend who always emphasise on caring our own waste. At least by now, I donot throw wastes out of the car windows. When will we ever feel guilty to throw our waste out from car window? People want their car clean but who will clean the polluted environment outside. When I used to throw off the chewinggum cover after taking the gum, my friend would go and collect it to put it back in my pocket. He must have done these several times. 

That plastic covers which you would have thrown at the roadside shall haunt you everytime you drive by. There is no question of Lhasel Lusel when we can throw garbages anytime we want, perhaps anywhere. The faces of the Lhas and Lus must have been full of shits and garbages. 

I came across a Prado and that beautiful lady poping out of the black window. Oh, she was beautiful but I am sorry she let her centrefresh cover off in the air, just to be blown away and land near the roadside. I wish those wastes have miracles of destroying her beauty more than an acid attacks. People with big cars are not always the best. When people can own such an amazing car, we would apreciate if one could show some basic beautiful acts. 

Anushka the popular Indian actress, has scolded some guys who threw out waste on streets. I wish I have the same power and guts. I would go on scolding every Prados that throw off the waste out of their car. 

Lets have a guts to tell, it is not the place to dump the waste!

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